Does your Spa have Brown or Green Water? It's likely from dissolved metals in your hot tub water. Buildup of metals like copper, iron, manganese, and other metals can stain your spa or hot tub. You need to get that metal out of your hot tub.
Spa Metal Control for Hot Tubs - Don't let metal buildup in your hot tub. Eliminate metal before it starts and prevent metals from staining your spa or hot tub. Control the metal buildup be preventing iron & other metals from oxidizing to prevent metallic stains in your spa.
Made in the USA - Our spa metal control chemical is made in the USA by hard working Americans. When you order a metal control chemical from AquaDoc, you can trust you're getting top quality hot tub chemicals and the best customer service. You're also helping provide an income for a team that greatly appreciates your business.
Enjoy a Metal Free Spa - Before filling your hot tub, use our spa metal and stain control to keep your spa metal free and avoid metal stains that can cover your hot tub's surface.
The Ultimate Metal Control Solution for Hot Tubs - The most effective method for avoiding metal stains is to prevent metal accumulation in your hot tub from the start. By managing metal levels proactively, you can eliminate the need for a spa metal remover.